In this Tutorial I will show you how to do high end skin retouching step by step and at the end of the tutorial will come up with smooth glowing skin.

Below is the complete Tutorial

#HighEndSkinRetouchingPhotoshopTutorial | click3d 
note* click the image to enlarge

Open this image in your Photoshop

Use Pen Tool and extract the lady from background as shown in the image.and clean the spots using patch tool.

Take a new layer below "lady" layer and rename it as "bg" and fill it with color #a1c0d6

Now take a new layer above "bg" layer and rename it as "glow". now take a soft brush, color white and paint single stroke vertically as shown in the image. or you can use "reflected gradient" with the same color #a1c0d6 and #white.

Now add layer mask to "lady" layer

Use soft brush, color black and select mask thumbnail and start painting on the hard edge.
Remember we just need to soften the hard edge as shown in the image.

Now add adjustment layer "Selective color". to the below layer "lady"
follow the same values.

Now take a new layer above, and rename it as "glow".and create clipping mask.

Use soft brush, color white, and start painting the areas as shown in the image. you can adjust the opacity if its too bright.

It should look like this.

Now add Adjustment Layer "color balance". and dont forget to add create clipping mask. otherwise effect will apply to whole layers.

Follow the same values

Now press (ctrl + shift + alt + e). you'll get a merged layer above all the layers as shown in the image.
Set the blending mode to "linear light" than go to "Filter - other - highpass" 
apply radius : 0.5.

And Finally we are done

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