Advance Photoshop Tutorial (Dispersion Effect) with simple brush trick.

Video Tutorial

Project files:
lady stock get more
particle for brush 

mail me for complete photoshop  file

This is the stock ,will be using for our Project.

1.extract this lady using pen tool and paste it on a new document -1920*1080p,resolution 300.

2.fill suitable color at the back,or you can use this image given below.

3.Now apply some adjustment layers

b)apply selective colors

c)apply curves

this is the result after applying adjustment layers

 use lasso tool and start cutting the areas where you want show dispersion 
5.this is the result after cutting .

now we need to create the particles.
so open this image in photoshop and go to edit - define brush preset and hit ok.

you have created a new brush in your brush preset.
6.take a new layer,open brush settings( go to window - brush)

a) tick shape dynamics - 
adjust scattering 100%
adjust angle jitter 100%

b)tick scattering -
adjust scatter 1000%

c) click brush tip shape-
adjust brush spacing 100% - 200% start painting,you will get the following result.

 select all visible layers in layer window and press (ctrl + shift + alt + e)
you will see the  new layer created above all the layers.
9.Now go to filters - sharpen - smart sharpen
amount - 50%
radius - 1 pixels

9.we are done.
final result

Dispersion Effect by click3d