Kochadaiiyan tamil trailer has finally released. Superstar Rajinikanth's magnum opus Kochadaiyaan is set to rock the screens by May 09. In the movie, the 3D motion capture computer-animated film will bring on some serious ‘300’ style déjà vu
That being said, this period movie about a people’s hero seems to have been made on an epic digital scale. The animations are pretty good - for an Indian movie. However, it is with a heavy heart that we must say that Indian animated movies still does not manage to come even close to their western counterparts.
That being said, this period movie about a people’s hero seems to have been made on an epic digital scale. The animations are pretty good - for an Indian movie. However, it is with a heavy heart that we must say that Indian animated movies still does not manage to come even close to their western counterparts.