The collaborative effort between MPC and Smuggler director Brian Beletic focused heavily on maintaining the game’s vision of colossal scale and intense combat, utilizing several unique environments that were created from a live-action studio and location shoot in Sofia, Bulgaria.  Scenes were then enhanced through adding large-scale CG architecture, digital matte paintings, and massive agents that blended seamlessly with second unit plates of warring barbarians and Roman guards. 

MPC had a large production crew, commanding a splinter unit that assumed duties for shooting several pick up shots, background plates and VFX elements.
The creative requirements for the campaign welcomed several types of challenges for CG, including photorealistic 3D environments, set extensions, interactive smoke, fire, crowd duplication, fluid simulations, and building demolition. MPC supported this by employing Maya and Massive to render in Vray and Houdini to render in Mantra.