Advance Photoshop Tutorial- Retouching photos

Hey guys today we will be learning Photo retouching in Photoshop something like this

#1-Use this free stock image . get more Stock Image here
   or you can use your own photograph.

#2-Duplicate the Layer and heal the spots using spot healing brush tool
#3-take a new layer fill it with pure grey color #808080,and set the blending mode to overlay
#4-use burn,dodge tool,set the exposure to 8-10% and paint inside the eyes on the grey layer.

#5-use same technique for rest,(cloth,skin,hairs)to highlight and darken the areas.also darken the areas around the eyes,eyebrows,eyelids.

#6-take a new layer,brownish color,blending mode"overlay".opacity "45%" and highlight the hairs,lips,and area around the eyes.

#7-ones you satisfy,take a new adjustment layer (levels) - layers-new adjustment layer-levels.and adjust the values as shown

#8-take new adjustment layer (hue/saturation) - layers-new adjustment layer-hue/saturation- increase the saturation a bit"2%"

#9-take new adjustment layer (curves) - layers-new adjustment layer-curves- and adjust red,green,blue channel

#9-now take a copy of heal layer(the layer on which we used spot healing brush tool)apply
     surface blur,radius"4%"threshold"21%".now apply mask on that layer,take soft brush with color black
     and paint all the areas except skin as we need smoothy skin.

#10-take a new layer,pick the color "#fc05f5",take soft brush paint single stroke on her left arm,than set the  opacity to 35%,blending mode"overlay".

#11-take new layer,apply linear gradient color"#fc05f5",blending mode"overlay" opacity"35%".

#12-take new layer and use marquee tool to create strips(rays-blue,red) blending mode"vivid light"opacity"100%".

#13-take new adjustment layer (Brightness/contrast) - layers-new adjustment layer-                                    Brightness/contrast.brightness"-27%" contrast"9%"
#14-select all the layers and(ctrl+shift+alt+e) you will get the merged layer at the top
#15-select the layer(filter-render-lightning effect)apply omni light, adjust the intensity.

finally we are done

Video Tutorial

Tutorial by click3d